Get Shine In my school

Through a formal MOU and support from the APS administration, Shine seeks to bring together the mission and needs of the school with the mission and resources of the church to increase the common good for our community. Shine church partners are selectively chosen and trained in Shine's model before partnering with a school. 



  1. Set up a Meeting with our Regional Program Director, to determine if Shine is a good fit for your school.

  2. Complete a Needs & Readiness Assessment. APS and Shine have collaborated to create an assessment that will help to prioritize the needs at your school. This assessment is shared with your church partner upon completion.

  3. Meet with your Partner Church. After we meet with your Partner Church and determine what they are resourced to do, we will all meet to set initial goals. This will determine the tasks that the church can start working on. We recognize the importance of starting small.

  4. Receive Ongoing Support. At this point the partnership will be up and running and your Partner Church will work to help meet your goals as they develop over time. Shine provides ongoing support for the partnership and training for Coordinators.


A Shine Partnership is a long-term, committed relationship between a church and a school with the goal of meeting needs in three areas: Student Enrichment, Family Development, Teacher Support.

A Shine partner comes to the school with one agenda, to ask the question, “How can we help?” Programs are developed based on the needs identified by each school and the resources of the church.


Churches are uniquely resourced and motivated to serve their community. We seek to connect the resources of a church or religious organization with a school. The goal is to benefit the students, teachers, and families through volunteering and service, not through proselytizing or evangelism. Though church volunteers may come from a faith background or have a faith-based motivation, our goal with Shine is to serve with no hidden agenda.

 Ready to take your first step?

If you are a school staff member with support from faculty, request a meeting today!